FACA - Five Acres, CA
FACA stands for Five Acres, CA
Here you will find, what does FACA stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Five Acres, CA? Five Acres, CA can be abbreviated as FACA What does FACA stand for? FACA stands for Five Acres, CA. What does Five Acres, CA mean?Five Acres, CA is an expansion of FACA
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Alternative definitions of FACA
- Federal Advisory Committee Act
- Futuro Avión de Combate y Ataque
- Federation of Anglican Churches in the Americas
- Monte Carlo airport
- Federal Advisory Committee Act
- First Academy of Computer Arts
- Foot and Ankle Clinics of America
View 17 other definitions of FACA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FCCCFPOC Five Counties Children's Centre Foundation of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
- FLII Five Loaves International Inc.
- FMMC Five Mountain Medical Community
- FPF Five Pearls Foundation
- FPM Five Points Media
- FPP Five Points Presents...
- FTCC Five Towns Community Center
- FVLT Five Valleys Land Trust
- FF Fiver Foundation
- FIG Flag IntraGlobal
- FM Flagler Museum
- FCCC Flagstaff Center for Compassionate Communication
- FL Flamenco Latino
- FTC Flashpoint Theatre Company
- FDC Flatbush Development Corporation
- FECDC Flatbush East Community Development Corporation
- FYMCA Flatbush YMCA
- FRA Fleet Reserve Association